Thursday, November 3, 2016

Charleston, SC 10/31/16 and 11/2/16

Happy Halloween!
 Andrew is not happy about being "dirty!"
Andrew is dressed as a nerd ....Already he knows
he's not liking being a nerd!!
 Cameron is the in Revenge of the Nerds!
Jenny said the boys were mad about their outfits and they did
not want their pictures taken...
 I think they are starting to feel a little bit better about the outfits!
 In fact, Cameron is off to Trick or Treat
with or without them!
 Andrew's like...there he goes getting in trouble again....
he's my hero!
Darn, Dad caught me...
Let's get some candy!
 Who needs to take the wrapping off!
 That was fun!
Watching it's the great pumpkin Charlie Brown
before bedtime....awe... how I miss these boys!
We're back Paul and Nancy!
Bob and Paul 
 Phil from Hadhammer, me and Nancy on Story Maker
 Sun Happy Hour on the dock at the tent!
 Our anchorage...see us??
 This guy just sits and poses all day for pictures.... 
 Rainbow Row downtown
 Pictures of downtown Charleston

 "Coates courtyard"

 Poogan's Smokehouse  
 I never take pictures of food, but this I couldn't pass up....
Ribs, chicken, pulled pork, sausage, and pork bellies....that doesn't include
all the sides that were also awesome!!!
 Bob can hardly stand himself! 
 While waiting on the check Paul says I should go across the street
and check out the store over there....we didn't know what it was but
I was OK with it....I walk in and it's a Gent's (and womens?) club,
you sit around smoking your cigars (or cigarettes) and drink....I must
say the wine was very good and so was that cigarette!! :-)
 June....I found the best piece of coconut cake...
I'd like to say I'd bring you a piece back, NOT!!
Even if I were to get another piece it wouldn't
make it back to MD!
 The boys watching the dolphins
 Now that's a huge pineapple!
 Can you believe this!??!
 John is our neighbor on A pier back at Riverwatch....
We are on our way back to our boat and all of a sudden
there he is!  We knew he was bringing his boat to SC but it
wasn't supposed to happen until November...nice surprise!
 John, me and Bobbie!
 Well I must say, Derek has caught at least one
more than me!  Him and Shelley are in FL and will
be heading home on Saturday...hopefully we will be
able to see them!

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