Tuesday, November 15, 2016

11/14/16 Cocoa Beach

 Joan and I
 Joan and Jay...they are leaving for the Bahamas in a couple of
weeks...we are hoping to catch up with them somewhere!
 Bob and I
 Finally some fresh fish!  Hog fish!  No I didn't catch it but we to a great
deal on it.  Jay said we could have it since they were going back to the Bahamas
and he could catch some more....so I made him some homemade cookies and
gave him some fresh parsley and cilantro!  Yea...we made out on the deal!!
 We have arrived in Cocoa Beach now.
We are doing a Happy Hour with Eban and Carol!
 and the HH continues....

Eban, my partner, is getting ready to kick butt!!
Bob played like a pro tonight....I sucked....but I had no problem telling
Carol what she should do on her shots!  hee hee!
We're moving on tomorrow.  Gonna stop just south of Melbourne.  We may see Eban and Carol there again tomorrow!

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