Friday, November 11, 2016

Daytona 11/11/16

Image result for veterans day pictures
Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans–living or dead–but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.The brave men and women who serve and protect the U.S. come from all walks of life; they are parents, children and grandparents. They are friends, neighbors and coworkers, and an important part of their communities.
God Bless all of our Veterans!
 Pictures I took this morning of our view from the boat...

 It's 0630 and we are on the move again!
 I see fog!
 Can you see the boats in front of us?!!?
Thankfully we can see sticks!
 More damage from the hurricane
 First time ever!  A wheelchair on the back of his
 It'll be easier for me to buy post cards than to keep trying
to get pictures of these guys!  But they sure are beautiful to watch!
 Palm over water...
 Well hello there!
 This guy is using his spinnaker line to hang his
hammock over the water...sweeeeeet!
 Remember this boat.  It's a live aboard.  The hurricane moved it
away from the pier and appears to be sinking...looks like whoever
was living there, has moved on...
 Fun house!
 Another one bit the dust...
 Coming into Daytona
 Main St. Bridge, Daytona, FL
 They are re-doing this bridge.  It's going to be a 65 footer....yay....
in meantime, they sure are making a lot of noise tearing it down....
we normally drop anchor just on the other side to the left...
not this time, way, way to noisy!
 We dropped anchor here in 4' of water....I'm very impressed Bob
did it!
 Our sunset
 Great evening!

Another great day on the water!  Stayed in Daytona tonight and heading for Titusville in the a.m.
Don't forget about the meteor showers at 0500 hours.  Supposed to be as many as 10 shooting stars within a 15 minute period...let's hope it's not to cloudy!

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