Monday, November 7, 2016

11/7/16 - Crescent River (in the middle of nowhere in the middle of GA)

Up and on the water again at 0600...
 Now this is crazy! 
An ultralight with a pontoon for landing on the water ! Yikes !

2 days ago a car with 4 boys in it went into the water from off the ramp.
It was about 1:30 in the morning.  3 of the 4 boys made it out of the car but
one of them is still missing....
This morning we pass by the location and the Coast Guard is out
trying to do a "recovery".....they have not found him yet....
 Look at my little man, Cameron, eating cereal with
milk and a spoon!  Gotta love it!
 This guy is doing a "fly-by!"
 We are in the Sapelo Sound and the weather was pretty sweet...we put the
jib up not that there was a lot of wind, but enough to possibly catch a 1/2
knot or so....then all of a sudden the wind picks up...10, 15, 20, up to 29
knots...but luckily we had it in our favor, to the back....
 It was a sweet ride for a while there....we kept the jib up and was doing
about 8.2 knots!
 Our sunset

It was a great day on the water again today.  We went a little further than planned, but if we don't, we will never make it to Key West.  Since we are traveling on one motor we are losing about 15 miles per day, and we are not able to put in our 70, 80 miles per day at times.  We've been gone a month and are only 1/2 way there....shew!!

Tomorrow we head further south, probably right outside of Brunswick, GA, maybe?, hopefully :-)

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