Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11/28/16 and 11/29/16 Key West!

 Getting ready to come into Key West
 Ross & Randy...didn't you go to a "changing of vows
again" ceremony here??  Yepper!
 No cruise ships!!!  Never seen this before!!
 Malory Square
 Look how low the water is behind this boat!

Free anchorage!   
 Rainbow welcoming us!
 House built on stilts...I think it was here last time??
 Our anchorage
 Sunset Malory Square
 Let the decorations begin! 
Look at this kitty enjoying the Christmas lights!!
Believe it or not, today was the roughest day we've had since we left!  That's why we left as soon as we did and came in a couple of day earlier....the winds were sustained around 20-23....and of course we were fighting the current!  No problem!  We are here!
I did a lot of hanging of lights today.  I didn't realize how much longer than the other ones were, so I have lots of lights to display!  Yay! I only got the sides and trampoline done today.  Tomorrow I will do the sails...!!! 
Tonight we took the dinghy in so we could sign in.  I had to bike across that darn bridge first thing!  And guess what, I did it without stopping!  Yay for Lynn!
After signing in we went to Ace and then on to West Marine.  After that we went down to Malory Square and did what all of the other tourist do!

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