Saturday, November 12, 2016

11/12/16 Titusville RR Bridge and 11/13/16 Titusville, FL

 Good morning from Daytona, FL
 another one....
 Gull meeting!
Lighthouse in Crescent Beach, FL
 When this guy sank he took down the red marker with him!
 I don't think these boats belong here!
Nor this one!
 No motor on boat....canoe for transportation
I don't think he is going anywhere fast!
 This guy has 8 anchors out!
 Dolphin on side of boat
 Osprey with fish!
 One of my favorite places to travel through....also
for the fishermen....this place is littered with them also!
 You can't ask for calmer weather!
 I'm outta here!
 Cape Canaveral
 Me fishing but paying more attention to the dolphins!
 Feeding time for the dolphins....they are everywhere!

My Bobby
The waters were littered with dolphins and manatees today!  We tried to get some pictures but finally decided to just watch the beauty of slow as the manatees are, they are still too quick for us!
11/13/16 Titusville
Good morning from Titusville!

 Our yearly stroll to the grocery store

 Bobby taking a break from carrying all the groceries
while I am taking pictures :-)

 Zippy waiting to take us to HH to meet
up with Joan & Jay
 Sunset at Crackerjacks

We did lots of running around today.  We grabbed a ball this morning so we could use
all of the amenities.  Fun, fun, fun; laundry, grocery shopping, bait store, etc.  While doing the
laundry I ran into Jay!  It was a nice surprise!

Headed to Cocoa Beach tomorrow.  We have some friends there we are going to be seeing!

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