Thursday, November 24, 2016

11/23/16 Belle Island Day 4

 This island is so beautiful!  It is very popular with the locals also...
it has a beach on the other side of it!
My baby Cameron!
Jen sent me this picture....the daycare center took
it and had it hanging on the wall there!  Isn't he adorable!!!
Got lots done again today.  I put a second coat of TeakGuard on the toe rails this morning and then I lassoed Bob and we finished putting the canvas on the isinglass for the port side of the boat.  At least now when it's windy or raining he won't get wet.  I still haven't finished it but it works for now!
Bob primed and painted a lot of little dings we had on the topside of the boat.  It looks pretty good. He also strengthened the starboard head floor.  It had a soft spot so he reinforced it.  After finishing that he took the trash to the dumpster and then filled 3 5-gallon jugs of water. (Oh, and this is good, while I was showering, he turned the water off on me...he said I was using too much! Luckily he was kind enough to turn it back on so I could rinse off!  I guess hauling those jugs of water is hard work for him!)
We had a nice Happy Hour with Phil tonight.  Tomorrow we are getting together for Thanksgiving!

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