Friday, November 11, 2016

11/8/16 Umbrella Creek, GA

 Who would of thought you would find pasture animals out
in the middle of nowhere....
 Yep...getting er' done!
 Bob too!
 scenic photos

 Brunswick Bridge....remember a couple of years ago
I thought I was suppose to go that way and luckily Bob came
out and saw what I was doing...I've gotten much better with
the chartplotter since then!

 One of those "huge" fishing boats sank...the Coast Guard is
attempting to bring it up....
 You can see part of the mast....the boat is actually under that
huge cement thingy...the rest is where the orange is...
 What a beautiful sunset!
The end of another beautiful in our own little world!
We left this morning around 0800.  We had some light wind but using the jib was a lot of work.
We kept getting some wind and then losing it, making it difficult maneuvering between the current and the wind, or lack of it, we finally put the jib away.
We dropped anchor around 2:30.  It was a great day on the water!

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