Tuesday, November 22, 2016

11/22/16 Miami/Belle Island Day 3

Huge projects done today...
  • BLOG!!!! I worked on it for 6, yes you heard me right, 6 hours - Lynn
  • Track for cockpit isinglass - Bob
  • Trying to figure out why batteries won't hold a charge - Bob
  • Took a 3 hours nap - Lynn  (Blogging drains my brain sometimes, so time consuming!)
I wasn't able to do a lot today.  For some reason, the last couple of days, our batteries haven't been holding a charge.  Come to find out, one of them is no good so it kept draining the other one. Ugh!  We disconnected the bad one and now the other one is working but not at full strength.  Once we get to Key West we are going to have to take them out and return them.  One battery alone is 165 lbs.  We have to get it out of the engine room, get it to the dinghy, take it to the dinghy dock, and hopefully someone from the store will meet us there with a replacement battery or batteries.  

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