Thursday, November 17, 2016

11/17/16 West Palm Beach

Good morning!
 other side of our anchorage last night 
 I don't see these very often....there is no jib....just a mast....
This is someone's dinghy
and yes, it is real.....
 His own little dock

 Gingerbread House
I've been playing with the camera features this morning
and can't wait to put everything back where it pictures
are not turning out to well....especially with a date stamp!
 Jupiter area

 His own private beach!
 Story castle home....
 Big house, big boat....
little neighbor...hee hee
 Boob sized for free!...of course this is Bob's picture!
 This is where we normally drop anchor in Lake Worth
Since we are taking the ocean tomorrow we are moving a little
further south closer to the outlet...this is where we got stuck
for 5 weeks last year rebuilding the starboard engine!
 Scenic pictures

 Your own little cabana boats to rent for a day or many!

 Now this guy has some fenders!

 Peanut Island

 His dingy is almost as big as his boat
 Pup out for a ride!
 Police boat doing what he does best!
 Cargo ship having his cargo taken off by these cranes
 Can you imagine the amount of money it must cost to work
on a boat this size in it's own "little cubby hole!"
 This boat is bigger than his house; in fact you can't even see it!
 The red thing hanging picks up the trailers off the cargo ships
 This ship carries other ships to other places
 Look at the color of the water!  It is so beautiful....and no,
I haven't caught any crabs yet....:-(
 Boats being shipped to other countries
 Manatee Lagoon
There is warm water here and a lot of the manatees
come here when the water cools down
 This boat is causing a lot of turmoil....I think it is a cargo boat?
He's actually in the mooring field trying to get to the dock...
 Our mooring field for the night
 He's still trying to dock....
and guess what!?!  This is a private
boat named "Turmoil!" 
 Gotter' done!
The other boat in front of him is quite the beaut!
 Side view of it
 Back...not too shabby!
 Turmoil is as snug as a bug now!
 Ships, ships, ships, and more ships!
The money around here is just crazy!
We left around 7 a.m. this morning.  We had the wind at our back and it was partly cloudy all day.  We pulled into Lake Worth around 2 p.m. Headed for Fort Lauderdale in the a.m.

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