Monday, November 7, 2016

11/3/16 - 11/05/16 Beaufort, SC

 We had to pull our mooring ball up on the trampoline because
it kept going under the boat and banging against the hulls...the birds
loved it!  They had quite the feast and poop festival!
 Preparing for the Welsh's excited!
 OK John, this is the last one....Bob ate the whole package of
the chocolate chip cakes!  And yes, he loved them!  Thank you!
1929 104' Trumpy
Refurbished in 2009
Beautiful boat!
Pilings from the hurricane....
They didn't belong to this marina....
They are not sure where they came from !
 The Welsh's are here !!  Yay!!
Awe, how sweet!
 We went to Luther's for dinner and decided we needed to find a
bottle of wine; we did it!  Hemmingways !!
 Back at the boat....Derek getting Bob with the wong!
Bob is like, no way, I knew it was coming!
We had a busy time here in Beaufort, SC before the Welsh's arrival.  Bob went to Port Royal for gas, water, and the CVS store for a prescription.  He also fixed the fuel line on the port engine...he kept getting air in it...finally shortened it and it appears to have fixed the problem.
I, also had a busy time.  I did lots of internet stuff....stuff that had to be done.  I also did laundry, cleaned boat, waxed 3/4 of the topside, 1/2 of the stainless steel, and general clean-up outside. The boat is looking good.  I'm trying to get everything done before we get to Key West so I can put the Christmas lights up and the boat will look "purty!"
We did get some walking in.  We walked the waterfront a couple of times and the downtown area.  Our next stop is going to be Savannah, GA! 

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