Thursday, November 17, 2016

11/16/16 Jenson Beach, FL

A meeting of the minds!
I'm glad I'm not the one he is going after!
No hurricane damage to the lines crossing the waterway....
at least none that I have seen!
  Our anchorage for tonight
 That's right I'm fishing!
 and guess what, this is #2
 #3, #4 escaped before I could get his picture, #5 I was starting to
get bored.....they were all catfish....but they sure we clean!
(And NO Derek...I didn't take the same picture 5 times!!)
 Sunset poor baby Andrew has a cold and had
to stay home from daycare !!
Another beautiful day on the has been a little cloudy which makes it feel a little chilly, but personally I think we are just whiners!

 Tomorrow West Palm Beach????

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