Monday, October 31, 2016

10/30/16 Charleston, SC

 Thanks Gus for the perfect cereal least we are keeping
it in the family and it's still on a Lagoon!  Will return when we get
back...hee hee...
 Good morning from Goat Island !!
Check out the dew on this golf course
Let's not forget to do my exercise....every couple of days..  :-)
 Now there's some tall masts!
 Look at that gem...Hadhammer!  Phil!!
 The "Carolina Queen!"
 Our anchorage in Charleston!
 There's Paulie!
Paul and Nancy came out to Storymaker for a few hours....
They were kind enough to bring us some yummy Italian subs and
all the goodies to go with it!!!
Another great day.  The weather has just been perfect for traveling and visiting!  We talked with Phil a little bit today.  He is waiting on some crew to come in and he plans on leaving on Tuesday.  Headed for Bahamas, Guatemala, and anywhere else the blue water will take him!
We will be here until Wednesday morning and then we are headed for Beaufort, SC hopefully to Derek and Shelley on Friday evening!

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