Friday, October 28, 2016

10/25/16 Calabash, NC

 If anyone is thinking of buying some property here...they
better move fast, this place is a growin' !!
 I'm gonna get you !!
 Not me, I'm just hangin' !!
 maybe again?
 There are more boats that are sinking this year, compared
to last year ...
 These guys are best buds....old woodies!!!
 New house....
 Nice house....
 New, better house :-)
 Lots of color....
 What are the round red things with globes?
We can't figure it out....
 Another house?
 Bad news for the fishing boat...
 Our anchorage, it's actually in SC but we say Calabash, NC
because it is the closest place to us....
 Isn't this just gorgeous!
 All the birds are coming in for night, night ....
 Same tree, different time of day, Bob took it ....
 Happy Hour begins....
 Just hangin'....not wearing the blanket because it's cold....
it's because of all the bugs....!!!
 Everyone has gone peacefully to bed.....
 Our sunset
Bob is enjoying his Happy know he's enjoying it
when he has a pen and paper out and is laughing his butt off !!
Another good day today.  It's always nice to have a nice day of traveling and another nice evening!

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