Thursday, October 20, 2016

10/20/16 Adams Creek, NC

Bob wanted to make sure I understood that we were going N...
 All of a sudden it started getting we turned on Teddy's radar...
we are able to see what's going on out here because of Teddy...he loaned us his radar
for the season!
 Getting Spookier.....
 Uh Oh...while all this is going on we know that there are 2  barges out there
but no one can get them to answer the most cruisers stopped and
waited it out...either they hear from the tug or they wait for the fog to lift!!!
(They were entering Goose's a little tight) The fog lifted first !
 My fog-web!
 My honey is glad the fog is starting to lift...
 The first time ever!!!
 We have a fog rainbow!!
 Well lookie heres....we found one of the barges...
 Can it get any more beautiful!
 And then along comes.....NOISE AND WAVES!
This thing of beauty is sitting right in front Storymaker,
another thing of beauty !
Let's not forget this thing of beauty....
Today was another beautiful day out.  I have to say, somehow or another, our boat is starting to clean herself up.  Everyday she looks better and better. It feels so good getting things back in their places~
The last two days I have tried to do things that will make the boat look better.  Ex:  scrubbed floor yesterday and did some of the stainless steel today.  It makes me feel better anyway.
I haven't had cell service for the last few days.  I'm not sure if it's something I did on my phone or not.  Normally, I never see my phone in Roam mode.
We are spending another day here tomorrow.  We have some things we want to get done so we are doing it tomorrow.  We are meeting up with Phil from Hadhammer in Oriental on Saturday.

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