Saturday, October 15, 2016

10/14/16  Solomons
 We're toodling along and of a sudden I hear
a very annoying alarm going off....I look down in the aft
stateroom and there is water everywhere!  If you look closely
at the pillow you can see a solid line of water coming in....
 My dresses were hanging behind the door...
 The escape hatch...not again!!! The same thing
happened a couple of years ago, only on the other side!
Not sure how, but the window was completely open
and water was just a splashing in!
 Drenched all our goodies inside the storage unit....

 This one also!
 Bob is outside drying everything....

 Then life goes on....awe....
 How long do you think these houses have???

Perfect picture!
 A Bald Eagle in her nest!
So beautiful!!
Well, except for our little mishap with the water, we did pretty good today.  It was a little chilly but nothing like we've seen in the past! 
I think I may have purchased a little too much meat for our freezer.....I still have several pounds of "stuff" in the fridge....I guess Bob and I will be having some hefty meals for the next week or so!
Tomorrow we will be moving on to either Mill Creek or Deltaville!

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