Sunday, October 16, 2016

10/15/16 Deltaville, VA
 We get up this morning and there are two of them!!
 Watching over their nest
 First time my sinks have been clogged...this is gonna be fun!
 My fishing is going as well as my dishes!
Must read up on how to work this thing!
  Do you think I took too much air out!!???!
 Some of my favorite people "Making Memories"
Isn't this a perfect picture of all of them!
Cameron and Andrew up on the roof for this first time.  They are
 watching the airshow !! Cameron is really into it;
Andrew looks pretty intent on telling his story!
 Some of our company today

 This yacht is about 10 minutes behind us....
 Smith Point Lighthouse
She's a biggie....and really she was only about 7 minutes
behind us....Joan's Arc
 Calm waters
 Neighbor...nice boat!
 Moon rising....
Beautiful night!
For some reason, I'm having a hard time getting back to being on the water full time.  Everything changes.  You can no longer use water for long showers, waste water washing hands, and trying to unclog sinks with a lot of hot water!  Then there's the electricity thing, not a big deal, you just have to remember you are no longer plugged into the dock and we are now on batteries and solar panels.  I can't say wind generator yet because when Bob went to hook it up (yesterday) he realized a piece of it was missing.  So he had to email the guy and luckily it was still in the box that we used to ship it all we have to do is find a P.O. to have it shipped to....thinking Buford, SC.

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