Saturday, October 22, 2016

10/21/16 Adams Creek, NC Day 2

 David gave Bob a stationary bike assembly and we put it
together today; it works like a charm.  Looks like we'll be doing
a lot more bikin'!
 Isn't she a beaut!!!
 A couple of boats that came in today....
Our sunset....
Today was a good day.  We got a lot of stuff done; of course, nothing that was on our list....but, lot's of great stuff.  I did some more stainless steel cleaning, put the stationary bike together, cooked the best ribs ever!, cleaned all of my fishing gear (still need to restring it all except the 2 new rods), and moved bedrooms again...Bob working on starboard engine again, antifreeze leak...ugh never ends!
Bob is taking his EMT refresher on-line.  He is half way through it now....getter' done!  He did his own work stuff also, and no matter what it was, it seemed like I was always there, in his way....
The cold front finally came through around 8 p.m.  We thought it would be sooner but glad it held off.  Made for a beautiful day!

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