Monday, October 24, 2016

10/23/16 Camp LeJune

This guy added some new wheels....or should I say blades
to his list of transportation vehicles!!!
The house with no lawn!
Moe bought me a Christmas decoration and it reminds
me of this house!
OH-NO...not the fog again!
Company coming ....
Well I guess I'm going to have to give him the right-of-way !!
There's a new house in the neighborhood!
Oh no.....
Good Day !
It's amazing how well this place made it through the Hurricane....
we still haven't seen anything that even indicates there was a hurricane
here just a month ago !
Nacelle !
a streamlined housing or tank for something on the outside

of an aircraft or motor vehicle)

Our anchorage neighborhood
more neighbors,
and again !
Let's not forget this guy!
Us too!  Us too!
Another beauty!
We made 57 miles today. The weather was pretty good and we got to fly the jib a bit. 
I finally have phone service again ! Man was I missing that!   

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