Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11/28/16 and 11/29/16 Key West!

 Getting ready to come into Key West
 Ross & Randy...didn't you go to a "changing of vows
again" ceremony here??  Yepper!
 No cruise ships!!!  Never seen this before!!
 Malory Square
 Look how low the water is behind this boat!

Free anchorage!   
 Rainbow welcoming us!
 House built on stilts...I think it was here last time??
 Our anchorage
 Sunset Malory Square
 Let the decorations begin! 
Look at this kitty enjoying the Christmas lights!!
Believe it or not, today was the roughest day we've had since we left!  That's why we left as soon as we did and came in a couple of day earlier....the winds were sustained around 20-23....and of course we were fighting the current!  No problem!  We are here!
I did a lot of hanging of lights today.  I didn't realize how much longer than the other ones were, so I have lots of lights to display!  Yay! I only got the sides and trampoline done today.  Tomorrow I will do the sails...!!! 
Tonight we took the dinghy in so we could sign in.  I had to bike across that darn bridge first thing!  And guess what, I did it without stopping!  Yay for Lynn!
After signing in we went to Ace and then on to West Marine.  After that we went down to Malory Square and did what all of the other tourist do!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

11/27/16 Marathon, FL across from Big Pine Key

 The sun coming up this morning as we were leaving

A mom and her pup!
This is the best shot of a dolphin I think I've ever gotten!
 We were so close to this marker....the water is very skinny and
This is the second crab pot ball we ran over....there are so
many of them we just can't keep out of there way! Thankfully
we have folding props....no diving so far!
The boys are saying "Happy Birthday Gigi!  We love you!"
OK, now that Thanksgiving and Gigi's BDay is done....
  Cameron is like....
 Let's get this Xmas thing going....
Where's the elf! 
 I'm ready for him!
Perfect sunset with Ganja! 
This year he is getting a different look...
I think we will be pleased with it!
Thank you Lord for another safe, healthy, and beautiful day....
First, I would like to thank everyone for all the Birthday wishes!  I had a wonderful day with my wonderful husband.  We were able to drop anchor around 3 p.m., take a B-Day nap, have a little HH, great dinner provided by Bob, and a game of cards where Bob kicked my butt, birthday or not!
Believe it or not, if we're not careful, we may actually make it to Key West tomorrow!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

11/26/16 Tarpon Basin, FL

 A few pictures of us leaving Miami Beach this morning...

 Sure, there's room for one more high rise here!

Someone else is leaving today!
 Gotta watch out for those manatee!  Sure wish
I would have seen one!
 scenic shots...love the big ole' boat!

 Bob yells Lynn you gotta get out here and take this picture coming up
but you gotta do it now....
 I grabbed my phone....and he says in 5,4,3,2,1....
I take the shot not knowing what was coming and by the time
I hit the button 3 times this is where he was at!
I was lucky I got it at all!

 One day this will be me!

Our sunset!
What a great day and better night we had!  The weather was perfect and we were able to drop anchor by 3 p.m. We were hoping to put Storymaker on the sides of our boat but the water never calmed down to the point where we could make it happen....
Our night was simply amazing!  There were thousands of stars, florescent green worms floating in the water, lightening off to the east of us, crescent moon with the clouds....I have got to get me a camera that takes beautiful shots at night!

11/25/16 Belle Island Day 6 (last day)

 Today we took a dinghy ride for about an hour and a half
These are pictures of the surrounding area of where we were anchored

 I can't wait to see all of these guys again in Key West!
 A bed on a deck for sunning!
Nice boat!  All open!
 Palm tree over the canal

 This one is for you Bob!
 The first time I have actually seen a deck off the side of a boat
I'm sure they are out there, I've just never seen it !!
 Police dock where we leave our dinghy to go into town
 Nice little Fiat convertible
 First time we've seen this kind of bike
 It's a Royal Enfield
 Nice car!
 Us waiting for our beer and enjoying all the scenery walking by!
 Beach wear!
 Beautiful sand, water, and sky!

It's the end of our day and what a
special way to end it!  Josh wine and
my hubby!
It was a great day today.  We did lots of walking and lot's of beer! 
Tomorrow we are headed for Tarpon Basin.  The wind is supposed to pick up, anywhere from 18 - 25 knots over the next couple of days.  We want to be in Key West by the 1st of December....hopefully we can make it!