Monday, October 31, 2016

10/30/16 Charleston, SC

 Thanks Gus for the perfect cereal least we are keeping
it in the family and it's still on a Lagoon!  Will return when we get
back...hee hee...
 Good morning from Goat Island !!
Check out the dew on this golf course
Let's not forget to do my exercise....every couple of days..  :-)
 Now there's some tall masts!
 Look at that gem...Hadhammer!  Phil!!
 The "Carolina Queen!"
 Our anchorage in Charleston!
 There's Paulie!
Paul and Nancy came out to Storymaker for a few hours....
They were kind enough to bring us some yummy Italian subs and
all the goodies to go with it!!!
Another great day.  The weather has just been perfect for traveling and visiting!  We talked with Phil a little bit today.  He is waiting on some crew to come in and he plans on leaving on Tuesday.  Headed for Bahamas, Guatemala, and anywhere else the blue water will take him!
We will be here until Wednesday morning and then we are headed for Beaufort, SC hopefully to Derek and Shelley on Friday evening!

10/29/16 Dewey Creek. SC

 Birds hangin'
 scenic :-)
 Life is good in a hammock reading a book!
 OK...I don't have that luxury...need to get this boat waxed!
 I believe Hurricane Matthew was here!
 And I'm pretty sure it came from here since there is only one
side of a fence left ....
 I'm just enjoying my beer!
 Yay, I see dolphin...actually Bob does!
 Time to do a little fishin'
 The house is finally completed!  AND...Hurricane
Matthew didn't take it away!
 My own home grown parsley to use in dinner tonight!
 This boats starter went out.  It took 2 hours for Boat U.S. to get to
them and another 4 hours to get him back to a marina....
 Bobby's toesies....setting with the sun!
 Ok...the sun is down and now the dolphins are coming out to play!

Perfect sunset in Dewey Creek!
Tomorrow we are headed into Charleston.  We will be there a couple of days visiting with Paul and Nancy!

10/28/16 McClellanville, SC

 Gotta keep an eye on them there floating trees!!!
 Our anchorage :-)
 Fishing boats coming in for the night!
 Entering the cut to McClellansville
 Sun setting

 Out for a leisurely evening cruise...
Night, night!
Only using one engine doesn't get us very far in one day, but the good news, I'm enjoying the shorter days....headed to Dewey Creek tomorrow!!  Excited, dolphin!

Friday, October 28, 2016

10/27/16 - 6 miles fm Georgetown Day 2

 We decide to take a break today and stay put so we can get
some things done on the boat....while trying to fix our sliding glass
doors we hear a thump....this is what we find (port side)....1,000 lb dead tree
across both bows of our boat laying on the bridle....ugh....
 starboard side...
 This is the first time we've had Zippy in the water since
having her motor worked on....
 Thankfully all went well and Bob was able to get to the tree...
 Not that it mattered....we couldn't move it....
 So we call Tow Boat U.S. and within 15 minutes they were here....
 The kid is wrapping the line around the stump now....
 Finally, freedom!
 Except for one last "thump" on the port side...
 This thing was huge!
 Off they go....
 They dropped it off on the side of the woods with the other
 Our sunset.....
Oh no, another issue found that was not done correctly by the place
where we got the motor serviced...they forgot to put the "safety retaining
ring" back on the motor...we tie a piece of line to it to keep the motor
from falling to the bottom should it let go for some we have
to get another one of those...Bob is not happy!
Well today didn't go as expected.  However, we still got a lot done.  Once we took care of the tree, we finished with the door (still not done but better), Bob changed the fuel filters and impellers out (good thing on the impellers because both of them had one vane missing....he found the one for the port engine, but not the starboard), I washed and waxed the port side of the boat and part of the inside of the cockpit...I also washed and waxed the window and doors entering the inside of the boat.  It looks pretty good, I must say.
It seems like lately a lot of things have been going wrong on the boat....We had to rebuild our wind generator and when they sent it back to us they forgot to put a part back in the box so now we have to get it mailed someplace where we can pick it up....our starboard engine is giving us issues again, our auto-pilot was acting up on us so we mailed it to FL for them to fix, they couldn't find anything wrong so they put a new battery in it and sent it back to still isn't working and they said we need to mail it back to them in saying this, Bob and I have decided we are not going to the Bahamas this year....there are just too many majors things wrong when it comes to we are headed to Key West for the winter.  Bob will probably re-do the SB engine again there.  In meantime, hopefully everything else will fall into place??!!??

10/26/16 - 6 miles north of Georgetown, SC

 Who would have thought out in the middle of nowhere we
would have found a woman with all these Jacks! and another
bigger dog!
 Early morning, hard to see....but pictures of a some pretty houses~
 We are getting ready to go down the Rocks....normally we would
be a little more worried, but the water is so high, it shouldn't be an issue!
 houses prior to the "Rocks"

 Let's boogie!
 More beautiful homes in the "Rocks"
 The steps coming down, make this house!
 Hot dog for bait!  Hey, at least I'm still trying....I think
I finally got my pole under control! Yay!
 Old Pirate  boat
 Look at the grass !  Isn't it gorgeous!!
 and again,
 We are thinking this is the back of a water fountain facing the house???
Another great place!
 This is where Bob picked me up when I came down for a visit
in 2015
 These following pictures are of damage done by Hurricane Matthew

 Look at this guy resting on a log sunning himself !!
 Photo's of our sunset tonight!

We have decided to stay tomorrow and get a few things done on our list, and to just take a break.