Friday, March 10, 2017

3/8/17 Titusville

 Headed back out of the canal to the ICW
There are sculls everywhere!

 Cape Canaveral Bridge/St Rt 3
 For some reason these guys are picking up all the dead wood laying
around the coast line....maybe instead of picking  up dead wood they
should consider cleaning up some of the "driftfiberglass" hangin'
in the woods.....just a thought :-)
Crabber and his friend
 We're in Titusville now....Bob is taking the boat out and getting
a mooring ball while I am back at the marina starting the laundry....
 Clothes washing, me sightseeing!

 Outside lounge with all teak furniture....beautiful!
 Who needs a shirt!?  Bob back now.  He is going to the grocery
store while I continue with laundry! Yes, he does have a shirt with
him....I told him it was time to put it on!
 We are done with all our chores so now we are just taking
in the sights of Titusville....
 Smokin' piggy!
 Eatery place
 Nice palm
 More paintings on the walls....colors not as vibrant....

 This is a Brewery....we have been looking for it for about an hour and a half....
finally found it....Hardware Store really?, downstairs is the brewery and it
doesn't open until 4?!!?
 Space Shuttle information
 Turtle with a lot of moss on his back....

OK, last picture of the day, we need a nap! Headed back to boat now!
Decided to go fishing once we got back to the boat.  First fish,
catfish!  Decided not to fish anymore....the last time I caught 5 of them in
this same spot....too tired to catch and throw tonight.  I wanna eat fish!!
Another fine day on the water.  I have to admit I'm enjoying taking our time heading north this year.  We are taking in a lot of sights and don't feel the stress of having to get up at ungodly hours, driving all day, eating dinner and going to bed to stay warm!  It's been a beautiful trip!
Tomorrow we are headed 2 miles further north before we stop for the day!


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