Thursday, March 2, 2017

2/24/17 Bob's visit in Baltimore

More pictures of artwork
Daytime photo
We are headed to the train station

Here we are!
 Some boats that passed through

 Look at this huge boat Bob....How come he could drop
anchor there but we couldn't?  Tell me again!??!

 Our sun setting

 Next morning wake up call!
 This is Aurora...they are from the Netherlands....this is the boat
that hit us (bumped us pretty good)....
Party boat coming out of anchorage area

Lunch with Bill and Len
Hmmmm....I recognize that stuff!!
Grrand-papa is a hit with the boys!  Yay!

 Cameron has had a great couple of hours with Grrand-papa
 Andrew too!  He even waved nite-nite and said "pa-pa!"
Bob is trying to get a point across about how small the seats are...
 This is what Bob posted on Facebook...
I would rather sit in the dentist's chair getting drilled, while doing
taxes, and getting berated by an old boss, and holding a half gallon
of water in my bladder than go through the experience of flying
on an airplane anymore. After all of the fees and after I just purchased
my $3.50 M&M's and $3.25 bottle of water I am wondering how much the
airline will be charging me to use the bathroom on the plane.


 This is the damage that was done to the boat that hit us while Bob was
on the plane flying back here.....
 This is our damage on both hulls
from the slam....
 You can barely see it on the pictures,
but it is there, about $1,500.00 worth!

Back in town - more artwork!

Do you see Bob?  I can barely see him hidden behind the tree
and I know exactly where he is....look closely to the middle tree
in the courtyard....

Blimp off to the right of Storymaker
Well Bob made it back for his mandatory training and was able to spend a short time with Len, Bill, Jon, Jen, Cameron and Andrew, and let's not forget the dentist, tax accountant, FD buddies, and seminar buddies. 
While he was home I was back here taking care of things.  Lot's of good cleaning was done, reading, TV, boat getting hit, etc....
We will be leaving here tomorrow (Monday) and heading for Lake Worth, FL where Ed and Mena are.  

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