Sunday, March 5, 2017

3/4/17 4 miles south of Cocoa Beach, FL

 Some Trump fans crossing the bridge
 I'm giving myself a pedicure!
 Won't be long and my feet will be bee u tee ful! Ha!
 Last 24 hours of traveling and this is how much salt has
gotten on our boat....sure hope it rains soon!

 Mr. Woody stopped by for a bit!
Our sunset!
We pulled into our anchorage around 2:30 this afternoon.  It's been blowin' anywhere from 20-25 knots for the last two days.  We were so worn out we had to nap both days in a row  :-)
For those of you that don't know....Naps are important!....
I told you!!  :-)
We will be staying here one more day then moving into Cocoa Beach to visit with Eban and Carol!

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