Friday, March 3, 2017

2/28/17 Lake Worth Ed and Mena

 Mena - We are at MacArthur's State Park
 Ed and Bob - Bob has never been here....this is the place where I
volunteered last year...
 Look how shallow and muddy the water is....
 Off we go again!
 Beach area

 Small aquarium they have with a turtle that has been hurt or
too small to put back out into the ocean yet due to an illness..
 This is my other turtle!!

 Did anyone say lobster!!

 Love this guy....he just followed me everywhere I went....

 It's a "snakes world!"

 See the woodpecker?
 Another chance
 Just waiting for us to return! 
 Headed to Juno, FL 
 Moray eel

 Lion fish

 Side view of skeleton turtle

 Babies hatching!

 Escape! Escape!
 Now we turn into these huge things~

 Not me, Not me!  I'm still a baby!

This guy has what's called "bubble-butt"...he ate something such as
plastic or something that he will not be able to digest, due to this, he
has air in him and cannot keep the back side of himself down.  They
will give him Metamucil or something to try and clear his digestive
track, in meantime, he floats upside down :-(  Some turtles that
cannot get the debris removed from their intestines actually have
weights put on the back of them so they can go down deeper. But they are
also in a forever home tank because they can't take care of themselves.

 "Fake News" Bob is holding a turtle! (NOT! It is plastic!)
 Guy Harvey art work!

Our sunset!
It was a great day although I'm not sure "What we were thinking!!"  Here Bob and I are hanging with some of the best bicyclist in the world and we think we can stay up with them!  Anyway, we started off taking a ride to the State Park where they volunteer since Bob has never been there before.  Luckily, we were able to take a short break and walk around a bit, because from there....we went back to where we started to and rode to Juno....I know it's only a couple of miles....but!!!! I'll say no more.  We did make it.   We saw some beautiful beaches, went to the Turtle Marine Center, and then to Thirsty Turtle for lunch/dinner; delicious food! Afterwards, we biked back home and had happy hour on the dock....tomorrow we are headed to Jenson Beach, FL

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