Tuesday, March 7, 2017

3/6/17 Cocoa Beach w/Eban and Carol

 As you can see we are anchored out in the middle of no where.
We see a sign that says no trespassing but we don't see where there
is an opening to trespass on...so we decided to go looking before we
left this morning....
 There it is!
 Curiosity got the best of us....the area is called Honeymoon Harbor...
 Coming in....
 Beautiful homes everywhere!

 We didn't go too far in...didn't want to get into trouble.....
 Check out all the barnacles on the roots
 Headed to Cocoa now
 More beautiful art work!

 This is where we are meeting up with Eban and Carol
 Zippy's parking spot
The water is very rough today!
 Us still trying to learn this selfie thing!
 My handsome man!
 Our bartender upstairs of Ryans
 There's Eban and Carol looking for a parking spot (maroon jeep)
 We asked our bartender to take a picture of the 4 of us....he takes
a selfie of himself and gives me back the camera!  We were laughing
so hard I never did get a good shot of us 4!
 Bob is like "this is mine, don't touch it!"
 No problem...check mine out!
Eban and Carol
Busy day today.  Up early and did our little exploring adventure over to Honeymoon Harbor and then started heading north again into Cocoa Beach. 
Met up with Carol and Eban and had a great couple of hours with them.  Tomorrow we are moving up a little further north.  We are in the Indian River now and want to get over to Banana River to check out the scenery over there.  Storymaker will have to go through a canal and then Zippy will have to go through a lock, sounds like fun!  We are hoping Eban and possibly Carol can join us on the trip.

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