Friday, March 17, 2017

3/14/17 - 3/17/17 St. Augustine - Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day
(I stole the picture off of FB/Thank you Hollie!)
(2nd steal...thank you Tim!)
 Check these crazy characters out.....(front)
 (back) They are used by the Border Patrol for exercise training.
There are several bullet holes in boat that have been fixed so as
to continue using it!
 U.S. Customs Border Patrol
 Look at these ducks!  I've never seen one like them before!
Another beautiful sunrise!
The last few days here in the St. Augustine has been pretty darn cold, so Bob and I have decided to stay here instead of going further north until it warms up a bit!  Of course, St. Augustine is having one heck of a St. Patrick's Day party so we are thinking of going into town on our bicycles to enjoy the festivities!

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