Saturday, March 25, 2017

3/18/17 - 3/25/18 FL/GA

Hey remember this picture (or similar one) I posted a few days ago?
Well, my friend Sharon, took the time to find out what kind of duck it
was....The one with the white is the male and it is a Hooded Merganser, and the
other one is the female !  Thank you Sharon!!!
 While waiting out the coolness I decided to take a ropes class
Learned a lot but need to practice, practice, practice in order to
be able to use the knots when the time comes!
 Not sure what they are looking at, but these are friends we met while
hanging in FL. Bob, Andrew, Ray and my instructor Galen
 And this is Rocky!   Always wanting to sing with you!
 Galen uses this on his boat vs. hands on/hands off waxing....
Is this what you had at one point Derek?  It actually looks pretty
good once it's done....
 One of many beautiful sunsets in the last week
 Neat picture of the birds scattered about in the fields
 Sun rise
 The baby pelican's are enjoying the sun on the day maker #7 sign!
 Next project for the boys from Gigi!
 Coming through Fernandina, FL...everything is still closed
and quite the mess.  We did not go into the town though....
not sure how it is....
 Hangin' on an anchor outside of Fernandina
 Us too....Us too!!!

 Our beautiful sunset last night!
 Look how calm the water is!
 Fort Frederica National Monument
 Almost down!
 Check this alligator out!  He came by just as we finished anchoring
for the day....yikes!!!!
Well we are in GA now.  Will probably make it to just south of Savannah this afternoon.  The days have been cloudy but the temps have been in the 70's, so no complaints here. 


Friday, March 17, 2017

3/14/17 - 3/17/17 St. Augustine - Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day
(I stole the picture off of FB/Thank you Hollie!)
(2nd steal...thank you Tim!)
 Check these crazy characters out.....(front)
 (back) They are used by the Border Patrol for exercise training.
There are several bullet holes in boat that have been fixed so as
to continue using it!
 U.S. Customs Border Patrol
 Look at these ducks!  I've never seen one like them before!
Another beautiful sunrise!
The last few days here in the St. Augustine has been pretty darn cold, so Bob and I have decided to stay here instead of going further north until it warms up a bit!  Of course, St. Augustine is having one heck of a St. Patrick's Day party so we are thinking of going into town on our bicycles to enjoy the festivities!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

3/12/17 & 3/13/17 8 miles N of St. Augustine

We ran into St. Augustine this morning again before leaving for our next anchorage.  The weather is supposed to be cold and rainy for the next couple of days so we are going somewhere else for more protection.  We have a nice little cozy spot already picked out...we've been there several times before.  We will be leaving the morning of 3/14/17 (hopefully!)

3/11/17 St. Augustine

We are in the New Smyrna area
We have anchored here in the past
Not sure what happened since we came through here
in the fall but most of the boats have been grounded

This boat isn't going anywhere for a while
The water is so low he can't get out of his slip

We think this is a capsized catamaran

This guy is feeding his girlfriend oranges while she lays in the hammock!

We didn't know what these were but we later realized they were
part of the dredging process
Bikers headed to Daytona
Nice way to carry a cooler!
I think this is very cute!  Especially with the fish hanging in front of the door!
 Due to the dredging they moved the red and green markers close
to the edge of the land...we were just getting ready to come through
when this guy came around the corner...we turned around and
went back!
Now that's a big fish coming out of the roof
More damage since we came through in the fall
Nice car!

Pictures of Flagler College


 Storymaker on a ball in St. Augustine
 Love it!
Leaving in a.m. for another anchorage just up the ICW from St. Augustine.  We just love this city!