Friday, February 10, 2017

2/6/17-2/9/17 Key West mooring field

 Coming into the dinghy dock
 Houses on the water
 Thai Island again! Love the seaweed!
 Caramelized shrimp
 Cheese ragoons
 Bob on his bicycle at the top of the bridge
He is headed to Stock Island to get our dinghy prop fixed
 If you look real close to the bottom left
between the space of "real close" you will see
a huge manatee....his nose is sticking out of the water...
 Time for more huey helicopter training
 One of many sunset pictures

 Stingray under our boat
 Next day....we're back!
 Still playing
 Bob insisted in being in the sunset shot!
It doesn't get any better than this on a quiet evening in
the mooring field!
The last couple of days have been fairly quiet, yet busy.  Bob did get the oil changed on the port side engine!  Yay! 
I did some laundry up at the marina laundry area.  Only 2 of 4 washers work and 2 out of 4 dryers worked.  So it took me hours to get the laundry done since there was someone else there waiting to do laundry, which meant, I had 1 washer and dryer.  It was kind of depressing doing it today....there were a lot of homeless people hanging around, literally sleeping on the laundry mat floor.
Yesterday we cleaned the bottom of the boat and I cleaned the sides.  Still needs more work but looks a lot better.  Bob ran to the grocery store while I ran to the Cuban Restaurant to get a gallon of their Sangria....that stuff is good!
Tomorrow Andy and Mandy come into town.  We have lots of great plans with them!

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