Sunday, February 5, 2017

2/2/17 - 2/5/17 Key West mooring field

 This is one of our sunsets....
 De plane! De plane!
Da plane is moored right behind that boat....
 Another sunset

 This is exactly where we are....just ask Andrew!
 Last nights sunset....
 Where are my eyes!?!
 Sunset done!
 Cameron at the Science Center!
Andrew too!  They love this place!
I have to say it's been a quiet 4 days!  I have been off the boat once and that was to do laundry.  One load at a washing machine.....long day!
Today we are headed to Thai Island for the Super Bowl game.  We are meeting John, Lorraine, Smitty, and Murf there....not sure if anyone else is coming or not.  Go Falcon's!!!!

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