Monday, January 9, 2017

1/5/17 - 1/9/17 Key West

(January 8, 2017 - last year in his 30's...heehee!)
Harbor where are you!??! Bob is missing his morning wake-up kisses from you!!
 Smather's Beach
 Following morning about 7 a.m.
Bob makes coffee and pushes me off the boat to do laundry!
 It's not even 7:30 yet and I had to grab the coffee mug to even have that!
 After laundry we rode our bicycles around town
 Looks like someone is getting ready to have some sort of reception...
 Now why does the chicken cross the road?
 This isn't a picture of the Strand, nor is it a picture of Marilyn....
it's the mother hen and her two chicks passing by them!
 They were hiding under the truck so Bob made me chase them out....
 Come on!  You can do it!
 Off they go trying to get away from these 2 crazy characters that
won't leave them alone!
 I went to the bathroom and told Bob to
wait right here....this is how I found him when I came out....
at least he was waiting for me!
 We are back at the boat because we know the weather is supposed
to turn bad so we wanted to be back before it started....
 Not 10 minutes later this starts happening!
 Not looking real good....
 Holy Moly, Mallory Square is getting pretty darn wet!
 This is the next day.....this guy jumps in the water with no life
vest on...goes up and adjusts his mooring ball...and about drowns in
3' waves, 30 knot winds, and 57 degrees outside!
 Check out the sailboat going sideways....his boat pulled the
mooring ball right out of the ground!
 This raft is trying to stop the yellow monohull (who is running rouge) from hitting
 any boats...the rouge boat did glide off of a couple of other boats....
but no real damage though....thankfully!
 Bob is in his Captain's mode and brings me up my red shorts and
black and white blouse... he says "here put these on, you don't need
to worry about no bra at this point!"  I just calmly went downstairs
and put on some decent clothes which included a bra!
 Our sunset last night!
The past couple of days have been pretty good.  We did make it into town a couple of times and got some bike riding in.  We went to the library because they were supposed to be having a book sale, but due to the weather, they have postponed the sale to a future date not announced yet.
Sunday was quite interesting with all the boats going adrift and running around.  We did watch the first four episodes of Breaking that show!  (Oh, we lost Len (Bob's stepdad) for a bit, but he was found within a couple of hours....just needed to make a quick stop at the Perryville Casino for a bite!)
All, in all, a good day with a great HH sunset!

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