Monday, January 2, 2017

12/11/16 - 12/31/16 Happy New Year's Eve!

 I'm home for Jenny's 40th birthday surprise....
 Thank goodness there was an ice freeze my first morning there
 Jill, Keith and Laura
Jill and Laura have been friends with Jenny since middle school!
 Jenny with the boys
 Gigi took the boys home so Jenny could really enjoy her birthday!
 Cameron is a big boy now!
 Andrew too!
 Andrew learned a new trick...he is able to make his head "quiver!"
 They've learned how to climb on the box and jump over on the sofa!
 Flying back to Key West
 Malory Square
 Our mooring field
Teeny-weenie Airport and it's International!
 While I was gone Bob took the old batteries out and replaced them
with new ones
Christmas dinner!
Harbor says hi!
Miracle at Sea enjoying life
Neighbors dinghy wouldn't start so Shelly and Jack went over
to help them!
Boca Raton with Jack's drone

Fun Raiser...Jack and Shelly's boat
Weiner dogs!!!
Getting ready to go into town....very rough day!
A monohull that broke loose in the mooring field

 Miracle at Sea trying to pull their dinghy up on the back of their boat!
Weiner dog parade!

Lou and Vicki, friends of Jack's, are in town for a week!

No problem showing the 70+ yoa body!
New Year's Eve!!

Bob is taking my picture and this couple photo-bombs it!

Lou keeping Harbor that is rated R
Shelly wants me to sit on her lap so she can exercise her ankle!


It's been a crazy couple of weeks!  I flew home for Jen's birthday, Bob did lots of work on the boat while I was gone, Bill and Moe came into town, and I got far, far behind on the blog....I will
try and fill in the blanks when time permits...and really will try and stay up with it! 

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