Wednesday, January 25, 2017

1/23/17 and 1/24/17 Key West mooring field

 The winds and waves were brutal for the last 2 days....
 The jib on the sailboat has taken a beating!
 The motor yacht broke loose from his mooring ball....
he is now caught on the small sailboat in front of us....
 He tied off to the sailboat until a friend of his came and
moved him back over to his ball!
We were in town yesterday....
look at these bikes that have been abandoned and obviously
dismantled by thieves!  They have been there for quite a while.
 This poor guy was having a bad day also!
Great place for my drink though
(Do you recognize the lid Ross and Randy!)
 Taco Tuesday at the Lazy Gecko with great friends!
Left: Bob, Jo, John, Smitty, Murf, Jack, Shelly, and Mel
Thank you so much Jack and Shelly for dinner!!
Time for a shot!
 Hog's Breath
Carla, John, John, and Smitty
 Jack always has a good time!
 John Smitty and Murf
 Our shark....We are having all our friends here sign it
to hang next year for Christmas!
You really can't see this....but....
we have 40 gallons of diesel in the dinghy
along with $225 worth of groceries...
no getting on plane this time with the dinghy!!
We had about 36 hours of bad weather and of course some runaway boats to keep an eye on.  It's funny what a 24 hour difference can make.  Yesterday the water was once again very calm.
Had some good food and drinks with a lot of great friends yesterday.  Tomorrow we hope to do the beach and then hit HH with Kent and Sylvia.

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