Thursday, January 5, 2017

1/2/17 - 1/4/17

 Jack and Lou
How in the world did Vicki see him!
 Now that's one tall dude!
 Fun Raiser (Jack & Shelly)
 58' catamaran beached!
 Us taking a dinghy ride into Boca Raton
 Jack and Scrappy!
 Good times!
Better times!  Bill beat me!!
 Harbor...she's like....I know we're going somewhere....when??
 Dante's - you know how they always have at least one lap
swimmer.....there's my Bobbie!

 He's lapping....I'm napping!
 Dante's (beach side)
 back side
 Very cold water!
 Resting for round 2....
 Moe, Bill and Boob
 Round 2....Coppertone Championship!!??!!?
 Now that's one big chair!

 Lucy's - home of the shark drink!
 It's an Ice Tea only it's all clear rum's with a hit of something
red to make it look like blood...they even have mini mermaids!!

 Someone painted this mural on the back wall...beautiful!
 Time for oysters!
 How's your hat holding out Randy?  How am I holding out!?

 A rum distillery
Harbor is looking at mommie like...
what did you do mom???
 The woman in the middle is drinking for free basically...
she has a gentleman with her in a wheel chair and she's keeps
ordering one shot after another...they were tanked by the time they left!
 Bill didn't mention the fact once he got home he
was a naughty boy here in Key West.  It's a good thing
he still has another year before Santa comes...maybe
he will forget by then!
 In the meantime, on the home front, Moe is here to bail him out
and she won't forget!
 Someone's year is not starting out well!
 Mallory Square for sunset
 This guy is good!
 Here piggy, piggy, piggy!
 Leave me alone - I'm not interested!
 Look how calm the mooring field is this morning!
 The boats are sitting in all kinds of directions....
 So calm and peaceful!
Uh-oh there goes the Christmas tree!  Off to PP Island which is
being used by the way...we will need to go over there one night and start
a fire!
Bob and Bill saw a beautiful shooting star on Saturday night.  We were coming back in the dinghy.  He said it broke into three pieces and kept falling; then he saw another one on Sunday but it wasn't as bright and didn't break into any pieces. 
Bill and Moe left on Tuesday.  We had a lot of great times!  Of course, there is always more to come!
Yesterday, I took down 80% of the Christmas decorations.  I still need to get the said lights down and put my little tree away, asides from that we are done! Let the New Year begin!!

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