Monday, January 30, 2017

1/28/17 & 1/29/17 Key West mooring field

 Headed for Mallory Square....we couldn't find all the roosters and hens
until we looked up....there are 3 of them....can you find them all?!!?
 Coming into Mallory Square....
Bob is dancing his way through!
 Our sunset.....26 minutes prior to actually setting...all clouds!
 This guy was good...the juggling stick
on his nose was there from the beginning to end...
Very talented....
 Climbed on top of a box without it falling off his nose...
and he was juggling!!
3-tier bicycle and still going!
 Great bike...nice couple
 Having dinner at Island Dog with Laura, George, Jo, Bob, and Mel
Mel and Jo are leaving today....George and Laura tomorrow :-(
 Look at my big boys....
 They are now old enough and big enough to face forward in their seats now!
 Another windy and rough day on the water yesterday!

We had a grand time in Key West the last couple of days.  We were able to spend some time with some great friends.  Then the winds came we go again! :-)

Saturday, January 28, 2017

1/26/17-1/27/17 Key West mooring field

 We are preparing for HH....How do you like the "S" coozie Shelley!?!
 My man!
 At the dock with Jack, Shelly, and John
 We are leaving a bar and a bunch of people were filling up
their vehicle with people....Jack said he wanted to they
said "come on in!" and he did!
I confiscated Jack back and we went on our merry way!
Shelly, me and Lorraine....Lorraine is married to John...
Bob did a lot of work this morning again, before we met up with the Franklin's.  It was our blow out night before the Franklin's leave for New Jersey.  We ended up at Fat Tuesday's for a quick dance while Jack drank his 190 octane proof drink.....from there we went to Hog's Breath and had a few drinks...then grabbed a hot dog on the way home!  Fun night!
Yesterday we stopped at the Franklin's before going into town to meet up with George and Laura.  They came in around 3.  We waited for them outside of the Green Parrott and had a couple of beers.  Once they arrived, they checked in, and then we took off.  We picked up a bottle of white wine for Laura and then started walking around.  We went to the Conch Republic for some fish dip, oysters on the half shell, and some calamari.  All excellent stuff! 
From the Conch Republic we hit Hog's Breath and had Hog nacho's along with a couple of drinks and off we go again.  We hit the Red Garter saloon for a drink, and then onto the Green Parrott for a beer.  Yikes, by then it was time to come home.  We will be seeing them again tomorrow for a HH!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/25/17 Key West mooring field

 Beachin' it at Smather's with Jack and Shelly...
They leave Saturday morning! :-(
 Welcome to Key West Kent, Sylvia, Jayne, and Larry!
HH at the Smokin' Tuna!
Our sunset last night...
so peaceful and calm!
We had a great day with lot's of great friends!  Tomorrow will be another great day.  Since Jack and Shelly are leaving early Saturday morning, we decided to make this a blow out day of fun in the sun, and a hoppin' Happy Hour!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

1/23/17 and 1/24/17 Key West mooring field

 The winds and waves were brutal for the last 2 days....
 The jib on the sailboat has taken a beating!
 The motor yacht broke loose from his mooring ball....
he is now caught on the small sailboat in front of us....
 He tied off to the sailboat until a friend of his came and
moved him back over to his ball!
We were in town yesterday....
look at these bikes that have been abandoned and obviously
dismantled by thieves!  They have been there for quite a while.
 This poor guy was having a bad day also!
Great place for my drink though
(Do you recognize the lid Ross and Randy!)
 Taco Tuesday at the Lazy Gecko with great friends!
Left: Bob, Jo, John, Smitty, Murf, Jack, Shelly, and Mel
Thank you so much Jack and Shelly for dinner!!
Time for a shot!
 Hog's Breath
Carla, John, John, and Smitty
 Jack always has a good time!
 John Smitty and Murf
 Our shark....We are having all our friends here sign it
to hang next year for Christmas!
You really can't see this....but....
we have 40 gallons of diesel in the dinghy
along with $225 worth of groceries...
no getting on plane this time with the dinghy!!
We had about 36 hours of bad weather and of course some runaway boats to keep an eye on.  It's funny what a 24 hour difference can make.  Yesterday the water was once again very calm.
Had some good food and drinks with a lot of great friends yesterday.  Tomorrow we hope to do the beach and then hit HH with Kent and Sylvia.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

1/12/17 thru 1/22/17 Key West mooring field

 Happy Birthday to my two favorite little men in the world!!!
 Cameron is like "Yum!  Sugar High!"
 "Now mom? Now?"
 We love getting these wrapped packages all the time!
What do you think is in this one!?!
 Bob, Shelly, and Scrappy at Laugerheads Beach
 Shelly teaching me how to hit a pool ball
 I think I actually learned something!
 Regs at Seafood Festival

 You can't make me Shelly! She did! :-)
 Face painting
 Good song!  It brought out the ladies!
 Ray and John
 Jack, Shelly and Scrappy gettin' it on!
 2nd day of festival....Mel and Jo have made it into town!
 Mel and I gettin' it on!
Jack, Shelly, Steve, me, John and Carla
 Boca Grande
 Ed and Mena came into town and spent a couple of days
with us....we are at Boco Grande in this picture

 Jack, Shelly, Carla, and John are headed back to Key West Marina
 Canadian Steve and Ed

 Ship wreck from several years ago

 Sunset pictures at Boca Grande

 Ed is like....what the heck have I gotten myself into....
you mean we are really staying out here all night!

 Dolphins galore on the way back to our mooring field

Other sights once we get close to Malory Square
from the water
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter

 Downtown for the evening
 Malory Square with Mena, Ed, Jack and Shelly

 Fat Tuesdays....this is a bachelor party and we are playing them for
the table...
Hmmm....I guess we won! 

 It's been a busy 10 days! 
Mel and Jo made it into town on the 14th!  We did the seafood festival and then went to the Schooner Wharf for some appetizers and drinks....hung out with the Franklin's at the beach the following day....hope to see them again soon!  It's been a few days!
Ed and Mena got into town on the 18th, Wednesday.  We went to Boca Grande with the Jack, Shelly, Canadian Steve, John, Carla, and John for the day.  The went home while we stayed over night.  It was a beautiful night.  We saw florescent worms floating in the water once it got dark and the stars were out by the thousands!   The only drawback, we should have dropped anchor further up so as not to get so much wave action from the ocean that night.  Besides that, perfect!  It was a great visit with Ed and Mena, they left on Saturday...
Sylvia and Kent from the MRYC will be here on Wednesday.  We are going to catch up with them for a happy hour or two while they are here!
George and Laura are coming in town this Friday!  It's going to be great seeing them! 
 Sadly though, Jack and Shelly are headed North on Friday.  Jack is going back to work in New Jersey!  Boo-hoo!