Sunday, April 9, 2017

4/2/17 - 4/9/17 Southport pipeline, Camp Lejeune, Adams Creek, All/Pungo Canal, Buck Island, Coinjock, NC

 Nice Happy Hour
 I would think that would get annoying?  But, I enjoy watching it!
 Watcha' got for us!??!
 Now there is an American flag next to our lonely palm tree!
 Enjoying the dolphins still!
 Finally, a picture of a dolphin jumping out of the water!??!
 This guy came thru the bridge and I swear we almost sunk ourselves
from his wake...there was nowhere for us to go...they are building another
bridge right behind our boat which is right in front of this boat
waiting for it to come through!
 Camp Lejuene
 These guys are quite serious!  They are standing there with their
machine guns watching over the area while the other guys are working
on the cable???  If you look closely to the right of the white thingy, there
is a soldier with an automatic machine gun....when I first saw them I was
afraid to take a picture, but once I got passed them a bit...I snuck one in!
 A beautiful sunset
 Who'd of thought!  I actually got a picture of the lighthouse
with the light shining!
 This bridge had an American flag flying from each light post going
across the bridge
 The first piece of traffic we have seen all's very
windy and cold....we haven't even seen any birds...everyone
is in hiding!

 Not sure what this is....
 He still has it all!
 More traffic
 After sunset, gray skies!
 The next day....very calm and eerie!
 Duck blind
 I'm working on fixing broken hatches....still need to
put the blue glass in though.....
 The sun is setting....perfect picture of it on the grass as it
hasn't hit the water yet!
 No words....
Just simply beautiful!
 Army lead boat and 4 following....
 picture of the others following
 Uh-oh....someone lost a fender....we better stop and pick
it up!
 over this way more!
 You're getting closer, it's in the front!
 Hold it...hold it.....gotcha!  Now if I can just get it up
before it falls off!
 Yes, it's true, I'm that good! 
 Gotta go!  Time to catch up with my buds!
 See ya!
 Another duck blind!
 And another...
 They never get old!
 Good morning!

 Morning coffee with the barge coming through...
 U.S. Navy Survey!
See the tree limbs sticking out ....well there is an owl sitting there....
we are trying to turn around now so we can get a picture of it....
NOT....he flew away just as we were turning....sorry you couldn't
see him!
North Carolina is a long state to get through as it is with all its winding rivers, but when you add the bad weather in the mixture it really makes it long!  One of these days we expect we will get out of here!
We've been hunkered down for several days due to 40+ mph winds, huge wakes, no internet or phone service....but! we did get some things done on the boat....that's always a good thing!

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