Saturday, April 1, 2017

3/26/17 - 4/1/17 GA, SC, NC today

Happy Birthday Shelly Franklin and Don Radech!!!
 We made it to Charleston, SC on 3/29 and visited with Paul and
Nancy for the day.  We are at there son's home and this is his
backyard!  Paul and Dan have put a lot of time and work into this is going to be beautiful once they finish....heck!  it's already
 Coy fish in another pond area
 Paul and Bob looking at future projects!
 1st pond

 They had twins 6 months ago....
 Twin sister!
Sunset at Paul and Nancy's
 We couldn't figure out what all this orange stuff was laying on the ground
a-ha!  Somebody was shooting clay pigeons!
 There's a storm a brewin'!

 You gotta love the rainbow after every storm!
 Oh no!  Poor Zippy!  What the heck happened??!!?
Next day....the leak was coming from the valve, thank goodness!
Just like new again, kind of !??!
 The following morning I am pulling up anchor and this is what
comes up!  The anchor chain wrapped around itself and all through
the bridle....Quite the mess, I must say! But we gotter' done!
 There were two vultures and a bald eagle...then another bald
eagle landed by the first one and one of the vultures moved off
to the left a bit!  Now how often would you see that!!
 At the same time, these pelicans flew over !
What a grand day!
Minim Creek
This is where we have been for the last two days....awaiting
out the service the whole time we were there!
 This is what we woke up to this morning....bugs every where!!!

 Leaving this morning

Canadians on a tri-maran....
Well we should be in NC when we drop anchor tonight!  Once we left St. Augustine we kicked butt getting north.  Yesterday was the first day we took off (due to weather) since we left St. Augustine.  At this point, we are still two weeks away and will continue traveling as long as the weather allows us.  Normally when we get to Norfolk, VA we end up having to wait a day or two or 3+ because the Bay is too rough to cross....we are hoping to get in and out of there as soon as possible.  I need to see my babies!!!!

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