Thursday, December 8, 2016

12/3/16 - 12/7/16

Happy Birthday to my Bobby! 
 This guy is out every day sunning!
Normally they are all over the place, but this year they are staying in hiding for some reason!
 The pelican's waiting for a hand out
 She's back !  Storymaker has a name again!
 Our Christmas tree this year
 Charlie Brown Christmas tree!
 Charlie looks much better in the dark!
 My Bobby looking good!
 This is how Key Westerner's drive a dinghy!
 Time to go bikin'  Meeting up with the Franklin's for beach time!
 A happy Scrappy...see the "sandy" smile :-)
 Bob and John
Laugerman's Beach
 Shelly and I
 Bob and Jack cooling down
 You gotta love these guys!
Just call me the "Lizard!"
 He is having way too much fun with the Lizard!

 Headed into town
 Hangover? No problem!
 Paradise Pizza...yum...
 Enjoying the band at Green Parrot
 Next day the Franklin's mosey on over!
 Cooling down!
 This guy hangs out at the Franklin's marina
He was hit by a prop....that's what the dark line is going across his back...
 Getting ready for the Christmas bike parade
 Viva's nachos in town!
 Here comes Santa Claus
Not sure why this showed up...miss my piggy's!
It's been a great couple of days hanging with our friends and beachin' it!  I'm sure there will be many more days like this!

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