Sunday, December 11, 2016

12/8/16 - 12/10/16

 Our sunset one night
 See our rainbow!

 Jon & Jen took the boys to the Ellicott City fire house
for a Christmas train display, they loved it!
 Cameron is loving it!
 Very pretty
 We are at Smather's Beach

 Bob and Jack's scenery
 Getta a room! Scenery must have gotten to them!
It's not very often when we get so hot that
we have to cover our faces!
Still on the phone!
 Best seaweed salad in town!
and it's right across from our dinghy dock!
 Another sunset

 We are stuck on the boat due to northerlies....
The Franklin's enjoying life on the beach! 
What's wrong with this picture!
We went to Smather's Beach 3 days ago and had a great time!  However, the last two days we have
been stuck on the boat due to the winds.  We've had 28 mph winds and the waves are about 2 feet, yikes.  Too rough for us to dinghy into town if you're wimps like us....the fact is, we needed the break!
I did get some cleaning done so that was a plus.  That much less work I have to do before Bill and Moe come into town on Christmas Eve....excited!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

12/3/16 - 12/7/16

Happy Birthday to my Bobby! 
 This guy is out every day sunning!
Normally they are all over the place, but this year they are staying in hiding for some reason!
 The pelican's waiting for a hand out
 She's back !  Storymaker has a name again!
 Our Christmas tree this year
 Charlie Brown Christmas tree!
 Charlie looks much better in the dark!
 My Bobby looking good!
 This is how Key Westerner's drive a dinghy!
 Time to go bikin'  Meeting up with the Franklin's for beach time!
 A happy Scrappy...see the "sandy" smile :-)
 Bob and John
Laugerman's Beach
 Shelly and I
 Bob and Jack cooling down
 You gotta love these guys!
Just call me the "Lizard!"
 He is having way too much fun with the Lizard!

 Headed into town
 Hangover? No problem!
 Paradise Pizza...yum...
 Enjoying the band at Green Parrot
 Next day the Franklin's mosey on over!
 Cooling down!
 This guy hangs out at the Franklin's marina
He was hit by a prop....that's what the dark line is going across his back...
 Getting ready for the Christmas bike parade
 Viva's nachos in town!
 Here comes Santa Claus
Not sure why this showed up...miss my piggy's!
It's been a great couple of days hanging with our friends and beachin' it!  I'm sure there will be many more days like this!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

11/30/16 - 12/02/16 Key West Happy Birthday Bob!

 Andrew wishing Gr-papa a Happy Birthday!
Cameron said we hope it was filled with wild and crazy times!
 Our mooring field
 Sun setting with Ganja
 My birthday boy still in my bathrobe having a birthday happy hour!
Sunset - first time we have seen sun in two days!
 Cameron was very concerned about where Elfie showed
up this morning, hanging off of the bookshelf...when he saw
him he pointed at him and kept saying Oh no! Oh no!
 Oh no!
 Andrew was able to find this game on the
IPod all by himself!  He is so smart!
 Look!  We are eating with big people forks!
 We love big people forks!
Awe the heck with it...I'm back to using my hands!
We have had a busy last couple of days, kinda!  The weather has been cloudy and rainy for the last two and the weather doesn't appear to be getting much better until Sunday.  That's ok though, because we decided Sunday was going to be fun day for our birthdays!  We are hoping to beach it, see a little football hopefully and join up with the Franklin's!
I did get all the Xmas lights up on the boat.  They look great!  The best part is, they are all LED now and I can run them for hours! and I do!  We still need to get our Xmas tree and put it up.  I tried to purchase an "Elfie" here so I could show the boys that Gigi had to be good also with some pictures, but I have to order it on-line.  Doing that today!
As soon as I'm done decorating I will put some pictures on line.  OH!  and we finally have our
name "Storymaker" put on the boat.  The water was actually calm enough for us to do it!  Yay
we have a name again!